Sophia Laurel

Quite frankly, I love taking photos of children, because I envy the fact that they live carefree and have such an innocence to them.
Little Sophia Laurel(not so little anymore) came back for another photo session and I was so in awe of how much she’s grown since I have seen her last.  Of course, she has great style because her momma dresses her and makes her look quite chic.  I was surprised though at how much she liked to run around, explore and play with DIRT!  Sophia! It’s all good, because today was a day for her to be one with nature and she was!  Looking forward to many more sessions with her again.

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I am a wife and a mom of 3 wonderfully amazing girls of which I adore. I work full-time and take pictures for what feels like full time, but not really. If I can document all of my family's life events then I will every chance that I get. I am hoping to share this love with others. I just like to take pictures all the time and look back at everything because to me, life is art and art is beautiful.

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