Communions are taking place and here I am posting sessions that I did not have a chance to post over the last year. May everyone be blessed now and always.…
S’s Communion Photos
Just another Communion photo session at Sayen Gardens to capture what would have been in May had the pandemic not occurred. I absolutely love seeing how lovely the dresses look…
A’s Communion Photos
With the pandemic shutting many businesses, travel, events and activities down, there were no scheduled Communions happening in the month of May. Not knowing when Communion would be rescheduled for,…
Lola’s 1st Birthday
A magical 1st birthday photo session for a magical little girl.
Joey’s 1st Birthday Session
Happy Birthday to this little ONE year old! How cute is he?! Smiling throughout his snow filled session during a Spring day! \
K’s First Communion
It amazes me how time quickly passes, but what’s wonderful is the fact that we get to experience beautiful milestones during the time we have no matter how quickly it…
B’s First Communion
I’ve been around for a few years to watch this little girl grow and I am probably as happy and proud of her as her family is. She looked so…
C’s First Communion
The innocence of being young. Life has many blessings, but to be young, carefree and experience everything for the first time is a beautiful blessing. Congratulations to this lovely girl!
A’s Bat Mitzvah Photo Session
What a beautiful day for photos of this lovely young lady as she prepares for her Bat Mitzvah! The dress, the day and the girl were stunning. I loved being…
Little E’s 5th Birthday Party
Holy cow! This little man is 5 years old. No longer a little man! 🙁 Time is truly flying, but I know these 2 parents are extremely proud of him…