Huge smiles were going all around, but I doubt it was because I was there to take their photos. As I came up to the house to get started, I was a few questions and found out that they were headed on a vacation the next day, so I am sure that was the reason for all the smiles since they were getting everything ready that evening to head out. Honestly, a little get away to see family is a much needed break from the quarantining that we have all had to do these last several months. As I took each photo, I was smiling behind the camera thinking of excited I was for them to be getting away and having an upcoming adventure.
The greatest things about taking photos and getting to know the families that I get to meet, is feeling the joy and happiness that they feel when they tell me more about themselves, the things that they are doing and of course, watching them smile and laugh on the other side of the lens.
My hope is that the family had fun on their vacation and that they were able to make lasting memories.