Here’s another family that I am happy to call my wonderful friends. I have the pleasure of photographing them almost every year for their holiday photos and I just love the way they turn out. Funny story, not so funny at the time…when they came to take their photos as I prepared to get ready to set up my camera with the right settings to begin the session, the camera would not turn on AT ALL! A panic set in, I had not packed up my back up camera, UGH! What was I going to do?! We were going to lose daylight and we were 20 minutes away from home. Well, we took a ride home to get the backup camera(lesson learned), not enough time to get back to our original photo location, so we found a road where there were plenty of trees and took the photos there. My heart was racing the whole time worried if I was going to be able to make it work. We finished the session, I came back home and started culling and editing and I was thrilled with the end product.
So glad we were able to make it work and that this happened with someone that would understand, but now I know regardless of who I am taking photos of, I will always have my back up camera on hand.